Did you know that most of the Norse myths we know and love were written not in Scandanavia, but Iceland? I sure didn't. But it's true. Apparently, Iceland was and…
Happy Portugal Day everyone! Before you get too into reciting the poetry of Luís de Camões while sipping on Medronho--as we all do every year--I hope you'll take this opportunity…
If you're heading down to Georgia* this month, you might have some extra traffic to contend with. June is the busy season for Berith, Satan's notary and Great Duke of…
On the edge of the forest surrounding the sites of great battles and bloodshed, the trees may look a little different. If so, you may want to keep your distance…
It's no secret that I'm proud to call Las Vegas home. However, one thing I don't love is the wall-to-wall barrage of assholes that descend on our city every five…