Waylaid by illness as I was, I'm a week late in showcasing the demon of February. But, as any Prince of Hell will tell you, late is better than never.…
Feeling rejected? Cheer up! Because nowhere in the English-speaking world, including your life and mine, is there a more pathetic and reviled creature than our Monster of the Week, one…
Do you own a cat? Is it older than 13 years, heavier than 7.7 pounds, and in possession of an abnormally long tail? Then congratulations, your fuzzy friend may be…
Are you...well, like me? Someone who not only has loved Halloween from a young age, but ghosts, spirits, and gothic fiction? Then you know that there's only one monster I…
Are you a woman? Are you passionate, wanton, and sinful? If so, I have two things to say to you:1) Respect.2) You may be at risk of becoming a violent,…
Do you feel like you're being watched? If you live in California within range of the Santa Lucia mountains, you may have caught the eye of the Dark Watchers. Also…
If you find yourself traveling in the Northwoods on your way to Lake Superior, you might consider stopping off for a pack of cigarettes before you get there. You'll need…
Do you get the sense that something big is coming? A battle or a confrontation? Do you have that strange feeling of being watched? If so, you may want to…
Are you feeling restless? Rebellious? Eager to sow your wild oats? Then you may be in the presence of Belial, Lord of Pride, Bringer of Corruption, and Crown Prince of…
Are you plagued by anxiety and fears for which you can't identify a source? Do you suffer nightmares, especially in the wee hours of the morning? If so, your town…