Sometimes the robots surprise you. For this week's monster, (aka Lucifer, Demon of May), I started out with the very straightforward prompt "angel falling from heaven." I'm ashamed to admit,…
Are you feeling adrift? Lost on the stormy seas of life and looking for a little divine inspiration? Then hark, me hearties, for I invite ye to submit yourselves to…
Just a random entry for our Monster this week. No demon of the month. No "World Snake Day" tie-in (and that's July 16th anyway). Nope--this time, it's absolutely, totally, completely…
This monster comes courtesy of my husband Marcin, my son Miles, and my friend D.M Guay (of 24/7 Demon Mart fame). Long story short: D recently sent my son (aged…
Happy day-after-Saint-Patrick's-Day! How are we feeling? Since we spent the last 24+ hours raising way too many glasses of green drinkables in honor of history's most notorious snake-hater, I feel…
This week marks the five-year anniversary of my Dead Mall series (woo-hoo!). Rather than focus on a monsters someone else created, I'm going to talk about one I made up…
They say the month of March comes in like a lion, so who better to preside over this month's unholy aspects than the King of Hell himself? Without further ado,…
President's Day greetings everyone! As you may know, today is also known as Washington's Birthday. And when I think of Washington, what springs to mind is that iconic painting, Washington…