If you're heading down to Georgia* this month, you might have some extra traffic to contend with. June is the busy season for Berith, Satan's notary and Great Duke of…
Sometimes the robots surprise you. For this week's monster, (aka Lucifer, Demon of May), I started out with the very straightforward prompt "angel falling from heaven." I'm ashamed to admit,…
They say the month of March comes in like a lion, so who better to preside over this month's unholy aspects than the King of Hell himself? Without further ado,…
Waylaid by illness as I was, I'm a week late in showcasing the demon of February. But, as any Prince of Hell will tell you, late is better than never.…
Are you feeling restless? Rebellious? Eager to sow your wild oats? Then you may be in the presence of Belial, Lord of Pride, Bringer of Corruption, and Crown Prince of…